Wednesday 17 February 2010

Sunshine and snow

Wow, what a lovely day! The sun is shining, Spring is on it's way, blossoms are starting to open and people are waiting to cross the road with their eyes shut and a faceful of sun! And this afternoon I am unseasonally making 'oeufs a la neige aux noisettes caramelisees'.

I never thought this was possible, but 'oeufs a la neige' are meringues poached in sugar syrup so that they are soft, shmushy and a bit like snow. Then we make a liquidy vanilla custard which goes in a bowl, on top of the custard are the soft meringues, and then we make caramelised hazelnuts and chop them up to sprinkle on top.

What makes it tricky is that we also need to make steak au poivre with pommes darphin, and the potatoes look really difficult.

And for all that we've got about 2 hours preparation and cooking time. Phew!

Here's the steak that I hope to replicate. Wish me luck!!!

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