Monday, 15 February 2010

Juicy chicken and the search for Pedro's missing finger

So I'm back from a long day involving veal escalope, veal something else, and pork cutlets. Photos at the bottom of the page.

And of course there was the exam. Which went surprisingly well. I'll write a perfect roast chicken recipe here when I'm less tired, because I may just have the secret!! Of course the pearl onions were too pale and overcooked, and the gravy tasted a little too sweet - too many carrots in the onion:celery:carrot ratio, obviously. I should have known better...

But in the words of my chef, the jus tasted like a jus, and the chicken was perfectly cooked. I did it!!!

The only disconcerting moment was the chef telephoning down that a student had to go to hospital. I assumed it was someone from another class, but then was told it was Pedro in my class, who was outside the door looking grey and clutching his finger. Apparently my Italian classmate freaked out when she saw the chef fishing around in Pedro's vegetables to find missing bits of finger, but then managed to compose herself and finish the exam.

So it all went well, I got rare praise from Chef Franck, and I finished 5th out of 10, well, 9 i suppose, which is pretty good for me.

Off to shower off food smells and sleep... 

I wouldn't have put the olives there, but it did taste good

Sage, mustard and honey gravy with blanched courgette and carrot ribbons

More veal

Potato Duchesse, but you knew that

Us all queueing up to taste the chef's food!

1 comment:

Nao said...

are you serious about the finger or is that a little bit of artistic licence?!
loving the pictures and looking forward to tasting some patisserie...
